The pyknotic tumor cells are found in both types. 固缩细胞在两型中均可见到。
Routine preparation of transmission eletron microscopy ( TEM) sample, some embryos were sliced into Zum-sections with a ultramicrotome, the pyknotic cells and mitotic figures were selected by the observation of toluidine blue stained semithin sections. 常规透射电镜标本制备,半薄切片,经甲苯胺蓝染色,对被动吸烟后各组胚胎神经上皮的固缩细胞和有丝分裂相进行计数;
Massive pyknotic degeneration, partial necrosis and loss of Purkinje's cells were found in the cerebellum. 小脑浦肯野细胞大量固缩变性,部分坏死及脱失;
In the other mode of apoptosis, pyknotic cells showed cell shrinkage, cytoplasm condensation, high electron density and gradual solidification of cell nucleus. 另一种固缩细胞,细胞皱缩,胞质致密,核电子密度高。
Subarachnoid hemorrhage of rat control of nerve cells in the hippocampus, the cells become pyknotic morphological deformation in cytoplasm decrescent, purple, nucleoli disappear, appear large necrotic cells. 蛛网膜下腔出血对照组大鼠海马神经细胞大量形态变形,细胞固缩变小,胞浆呈深紫色,核仁消失,出现大量凋亡细胞。